A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

One off the wrist#

Sun, 10 Dec 2006 02:15:23 +0000


"There ain't no armin it", or, what happens when you attempt to use a wrist-mounted GPS receiver as a wristguard. This sorry specimen has been lying on my desk since I tried that particular stunt back at the [[One Eleven => Fallen in St Gallen]] and hasn't worked since - at least, the screen is bust and although I haven't actually tried plugging it into a computer I don't have many uses for a gps device that's tethered to a desktop computer anyway. Some day I will get around to throwing it away.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Pinky? Yes, that's rignt: no hard workout this week. I'm such a slacker. Mind you, I was ill. Weights on Monday, I think.

Next week also marks the last official LFNS and Stroll of 2006