A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

"Although I hate to judge before all the facts are in ..."#

Thu, 02 Feb 2006 12:00:00 +0000

You remember what I was saying before about people who watch videos of speed skaters and ape the movements they see without understanding why? I may have mentioned the Norman Wisdom school of armswing, for example. Well, recent events suggest I've been doing something similar. More on this when I've thought about it a bit, but in the meantime, anything you've read here about technique in the past month should be treated with the same kind of scepticism as you'd usually reserve for, say, a weblog by some random person on the internet.

[ skating log: not an awful lot, to be honest. I've been feeling a bit off the pace, and don't quite get the same buzz when my ankles are (it seems, though I'm sure it's not actually true) perpetually sore. Sunday Stroll marshalling on (as the name suggests) Sunday, then route check yesterday. Today was a watching-videos day, tomorrow is a skate-to-work day. A very rough total of the listed skating for January suggests I did about 421km, but I doubt that's accurate to more than about 25km either way ]