A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

Wild horses couldn't drag me away#

Thu, 22 Feb 2007 00:41:39 +0000

New Forest Skate II: six LSST members, 80k (just under), 4 hours moving time.

We set out about 10am, and covered 45km before lunchtime. Then three members decided to split back to the car for various reasons of ankle trouble, tiredness or having other plans for the rest of the day, and the rest of us grabbed more water and continued to complete the original circular route - total distance of slightly under 80km. Top speed about 50km/h (downhill) or 38km/h (flat, but with a bit of a tailwind). Most memorable moment: descending a short but very steep hill (which I could see ran straight back up on the other side) and finding that the bottom wasn't just damp, it was muddy (the kind of mud that was recently inside a horse, too) and slippery and coated with a fine layer of gravel, which I hit. I waved my arm so hard it twinged afterwards, but at least I stayed upright - it would have been a very messy place for a high-speed stack ...

There are photos, but they're still on my phone: haven't had a chance to download them yet.

Felt a bit sluggish on Monday (it was a 170km week last week. which is more than typical for lately) then yesterday noticed I had a bit of behind-the-kneecap ache which put a damper on my planned plyo-while-watching-Blakes-7 session. Today it's still there but only in the left knee: RC tonight (rained off route from two weeks ago) was slower and smoother than I might have run it otherwise. Hope that another day or so of not taxing it too hard should be ok to get it better.