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Good-natured ribbing#

Mon, 26 Feb 2007 18:33:02 +0000

Saturdays' circus escapades (writeup to follow) left me pretty dead by Saturday evening, and I decided on a quiet night in with a bottle of wine.

Possibly not the best decision ever from a "recovery" point of view, as on Sunday I was due to take the Firebrox down to Battersea to appear in The Last Enemy and, well, it's more work than I remember it being. It's not nice to be reminded that I have very rarely done anything approaching a hard CV session most weeks since it went in for its refit back in December, but still, better to find out this month than next I suppose.

Filming was mostly a session of "hurry up and wait". We were playing a group of protesters against the "surveillance society" (ID cards, CCTV, etc) so were equipped with banners, placards, etc by the props department, then told to stage a demonstration/party/riot/call it what you will in a deserted industrial lot in Battersea. Well, there was a little more direction than that, but not much more. Some photos (the good ones aren't mine) at http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/thelastenemy/

Today my shoulders and arms ache (hanging from trapezes will do that to you). I thought my abs were feeling it too, but closer prodding says that's actually ribs, and I have no idea what I might have done to those. Slept funny, I expect