A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

More stuff happened#

Mon, 28 Apr 2008 15:42:45 +0000

I'm on a (mostly self-imposed, it must be admitted) deadline to get a work project finished right now, because it has been dragging on way too long. The immediate effect is that I am completely caught up on all my online forums and it's time for another blog entry.

Last week: Tuesday [[RC]] was fairly pacey and I decided to push myself a bit more by sprinting up hills in the second half. Some twinges, no real soreness the following day, so I did the [[LondonSkate]] as a recovery skate and everything was fully functioning on Thursday. Friday was the [[LFNS]] itself, which I marshalled. A few sprints here and there - leg felt fine but either I'm horrendously unfit or FSKs are even slower than I thought they were.

Saturday it was noticeably sore, but not bad enough so that I couldn't cope with a fairly laid-back Stroll RC on Saturday. Which was in speed skates. First time I've worn those in a good long time, and it shows - I now have blisters on my toe knuckles where I used to have callouses. Going to take a few more iterations before my feet get back into shape for speedskates.

On Sunday the Stroll itself was rained off (second attempt this year to lead a Stroll and the second time that rain has cancelled it) so that became an unscheduled rest day. The silver lining to this particular cloud was that the combination of Friday and Saturday's outings had returned my leg to "uncomfortable when walking", so the rest day came at an opportune time. Today it's pretty much OK again, so tomorrow I can repeat the whole cycle...

(The writing team responsible for humorous blog entry titles are on holiday this month. Normal service may be resumed soon)