A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

It lives!#

Wed, 03 Sep 2008 16:15:00 +0000

From http://www.londonspeedskaters.com/forums/--p42443.php#42443 :

After a whole bunch of delays caused mostly by use of a courier who couldn't find my house (I am considering printing them a map of their own buttocks and adding two handles at its edges), I have collected, fitted and (very very nearly[*]) finished my new frame.  I have been around the block on it (literally, if not euphemistically) and it appears to work.  Headsets now hold no fear for me.

It's 9.7kg all up (with air in tyres and multitool in saddle bag), so probably still heavier than Andy's carbon thing.  

[*] Still need to cut and crimp the cable ends, preferably before the wire coming out of the front mech scores a channel in my calf.

Why am I posting bike stuff to skate forums and skate stuff to bike forums? Hmm.