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Order of the Fenix#

Fri, 05 Sep 2008 17:41:28 +0000

Sometimes I wonder if I'm the last person on Earth to have found out about this headlight, other times people rush into the road to accost me and excitedly ask "what the hell is that?", so it's probably still not quite as famous as it deserves to be.

"That" is the Fenix L2D - an LED torch with 180 lumens output that takes standard AA cells. Capsule review follows:

The review I linked to has all kinds of detail about runtimes. I won't comment further on that because I can rarely remember how far mine goes between charges anyway: I will say, though, that it stays bright until almost the end of its runtime then dies to utter uselessness in less than ten minutes - so, always prudent to have a spare pair of batteries.