A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

Twittering endlessly#

Tue, 27 Jan 2009 02:08:12 +0000

The Twitter thing seems to be pressing on my consciousness lately, sufficiently so that I registered with it and spent a little while looking for Android clients. You can find my random spew at http://twitter.com/coruskate

Have been suffering over the last couple of days from unattributable DOMS. The only real contender was my Saturday ride to Crystal Palace and back - was quite pleased to get from Liverpool St to Norwood Junction (approximately) in 35 minutes (it helps to know where I'm going, of course, as stopping to look at the map is never entirely consonant with setting PBs) but I wasn't exactly killing myself even so. Or at least, I didn't think so at the time. Seems to be mostly OK again now, after walking home from the office this evening and then a hot bath.

As hinted last time, the Firebrox is in bits. Many bits. It's off the road for scheduled(sic) maintenance, although some of the bits we're now finding that are worth maintaining were not on the original schedule. Still worth doing them now anyway, while the weather is generally rubbish, to avoid having bits explode unexpectedly in the middle of a big skate in summer.