A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

And even endlesslesser#

Thu, 29 Jan 2009 21:27:41 +0000

Having added twitter automation at work and for the LFNS I went on to look for more toys as well. So, this web site now sports a cute-in-an-ugly-way - actually, I am undecided, it may just be ugly-in-a-cute-way javascript-based sidebar with my recent tweets.

From http://getsatisfaction.com/people/david_needham :

I would like to filter out all replies in the html or flash badge provided by Twitter to be embedded on our personal sites. Facebook currently has some sort of filter in place which does exactly this before posting things (ie. my replies do not get posted while regular posts do). Is there any way that we can choose that option for the provided badges?
I would answer there, but it wants me to register and I cannot be bothered. So, for the benefit of Google if not David I will answer here instead: you take the code that Twitter supply, and in between the two SCRIPT tags they give you, you insert another SCRIPT with contents something like this:
var old_callback = twitterCallback2;
var twitterCallback2 =function(C) 
{ var A=[];  for(var D=0;D<C.length;D++) { if(C[D].in_reply_to_screen_name == null) A.push(C[D]);  } old_callback(A); }
See the source to this page for an actual example.

Maybe that's just ugly-in-an-ugly-way