A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

That was the weekend that was#

Mon, 19 Dec 2005 12:00:00 +0000

Friday night: the LFNS

Saturday: route check for the Stroll, then a Long Slow Skate

Sunday: the Sunday Stroll, followed by the Santa Skate. Which was massive (150 people all dressed as Santa - a sea of red and white fur), and as much fun as I've had on skates in ages. The expressions on drivers' faces were priceless - first at being stopped by a skating Santa, and then on seeing another 150 more of them stream past with Christmas tunes playing from somewhere in their midst. Photos when the people who took them get them on the web, but in the meantime here's the BBC News report

[ Update: here are some rather good photos ]

Random aside: I am going to smack the Blogger editing widget thing in a minute. Every time I try to "delete forward" it saves the current post as a draft.