A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

Goals for 2006#

Wed, 21 Dec 2005 12:00:00 +0000

OK, let's have some goals for the coming year. Some of these are measurable: some are fuzzier. First up, performance/training goals
  1. Practice my weak side until I'm equally confident crossing over right and parallel turning left as I am now vice versa
  2. Related to that, stop it with the straight-legged crossovers. I do these in FSKs mostly because I can, but on 4x100 they're the swiftest route to a faceplant I've discovered yet.
  3. A sub 9-minute average at Le Mans. Last year we had slightly iffy timing but I think I was doing somewhere between 9:30 and 10 minutes on average. This year I hope to have improved my technique substantially.
  4. Better than 1:18 in Berlin. Why 1:18? That's what Mike got this year :-)
  5. Eat more fruit. Like, any at all would be a start. I know the official recommendation is 5 servings a day: I will be happy if I can reliably and consistently manage a fifth of that
  6. If I'm going to end up spending all evening from sundown to closing time in the Vic (and in my heart of hearts, most Sundays I know this will happen) I will confine myself to two or three pints at most and then switch to soft drinks.
  7. Related to that, find a soft drink I like that isn't Coke
And some make-me-a-nicer-person goals too. Not that they will, but they should help to build the illusion
  1. I will try the Rear Marshal slot on the LFNS/Stroll and at least see if I can stomach being friendly to the novices.
  2. Before sprinting into the distance when marshalling skates I will check behind me and attempt not to lose others who could use the draft.
  3. I will offer my teammates constructive advice when skating behind them (and when reasonably sure I have any)
  4. I will stop claiming that short legs are an excuse for my crappy form
Other stuff I would like to do sometime: try the ramps at Bay66, go back to the climbing wall some time, and also to visit the circus