A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

There must be *somewhere* to skate around here#

Thu, 22 Dec 2005 12:00:00 +0000

Where "here" is approximately Bethnal Green. Desirable features would include Still, I haven't been looking for long. And I have the day off tomorrow, so if in some miracle of existence I wake up in the morning, I'll go and have a look at the park.

Meanwhile, aargh, pub karaoke has just started up opposite. I am remembering the famous line in the film: "Hundred year later, Miyagi ancestor bring to Okinawa, call kara-te, 'empty hand'.", and concluding that "oke" is Chinese for "of all musical talent whatsoever"

OK, time for my 70g (ish) of post-exercise carbohydrate. Not that I skated far enough to merit it, but there you go.