A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

Court in a trap#

Wed, 25 Jan 2006 12:00:00 +0000

This evening was the second attempt to test my LFNS lead for next week, and it seemed to be a bit nicer than the route I had in mind last week. It's still in principle the same skate, and still goes past the same places, but I've now managed to find alternatives for some of the worst bits we found on the first pass. It's still a bit on the long side, though: need to find some way to trim it.

It's cold out there. Wow, is it cold out there. On the ay back to the park my hands were so cold I was getting weird nerve twinges up and down my arms. This demands another layer, or perhaps that I find my gloves.

[ Skating log: let's call it 33km for the day, if I do decide to skate home from here instead of getting the night bus. I should do, it's going to take about as long as I'd spend waiting in the cold for said night bus anyway ]