A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

Weather or not#

Sun, 08 Jan 2006 12:00:00 +0000

The Stroll was, unfortunately, cancelled (observe deft use of the passive voice to obscure the fact that it was I - as Lead Marshal - who had to guess whether the BBC rainfall radar predictions were going to be accurate and make the go/cancel decision). But, managed to get some skating in over the weekend anyway So not huge racking-up of distances, but I felt really rather happy about Friday and Saturday (in particular) for no good reason I can think of, and so I rate the weekend as successful. And snatched from the teeth of cold gray biting miserable rain and wind, too. Which reminds me, I found some fleecy tights in decathlon that are not bib longs (I'm not really a fan of having to take all my clothes off just to visit the bathroom), which are going to make future excursions for the next month or so much more pleasant. Still, roll on summer.