A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

Mercy is for the week#

Mon, 23 Oct 2006 00:52:12 +0000

Training this week. Intended: Monday 10x500, Tuesday RC plus some techniquey stuff, Wed dry land, Thu rest, Fri LFNS bike riding, Sat: endurance (Richmond or maybe Hillingdon). Actual: Monday 10x500, Tuesday RC plus a knock to the knee, Wed/Thu resting knee, Fri LFNS bike riding (knee seems ok with limited range of motion involved in pedalling), Sat/Sun more resting knee. Grr. The only point of note, perhaps, is how close I felt to dying when trying to pedal the music bike while dehydrated (cockup on scheduling front meaning that I didn't have my bottle with me for the first half of the skate)

Also this week I have been reading and making notes based on Joe Friel's "Cyclist's Training Bible", as recommended by several LSST people. More on this to follow when I've got a better handle on what it says anyway, but (superficially, anwyay) it looks like a good basis for setting up an annual training plan. Which is what I need to do next.