A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

Taking the broader view#

Tue, 24 Oct 2006 18:17:21 +0000

Busily breaking Google Maps... I'm sure the fault here is with my code, but I still found the error message amusing. Zoom out where? What's not my fault, and about which I shall rant later (if I still feel wound up about it later) is that it's apparently still not possible to use Google Maps with an XHTML document, forcing me to use a totally unnecessary IFRAME for the map just because I don't want to use one for the SVG.

In the meantime, I have an unsightly collection of HTML and Javascript (mostly the latter) plus a small CGI script which together let me submit GPSBabel CSV files ("garmin301" format, for anyone following along at home) to a web page and produce graphs of my speed and heart rate against time. And as soon as I can persuade it to zoom and center on a sensible point, it will show the track too.

(The knee is better but still not actually better, as it were)