A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

Knee'd for speed#

Sat, 28 Oct 2006 02:11:44 +0000

After a week of no skating (and in fact, no exercise of any kind worth speaking of - Bad Dan) my right knee is again indistinguishable from its counterpart (except for still being a funny shape, but I think that's from a previous injury), so tomorrow I shall be doing things on wheels again. Sunday's Route Check, for a start.

In the meantime I have been keeping busy with this javascript lark: I present to you Trainrec, which will (some day) be a useful tool for slicing and dicing gps tracks and getting interesting performance data out of them. Interesting to me, that is - I make no similar claim for the rest of the world.

Also been sleeping too little. It's possible that having had my thyroxine dose changed recently isn't helping there, but I think that's more about staying up late hacking and not ever going out...