A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

Life is what happens ...#

Wed, 01 Nov 2006 00:10:33 +0000

while we're making plans. So I've been dipping in and out of Friel lately and am going to make some fairly random notes about it that I will come back and clean up later.

Take-home messages

So far, these would appear to be

and then introduces "muscular endurance", "anaerobic endurance" and "power" as being combinations of each of them, which I find oddly reminiscent of Aristotle combining "earth" and "fire" to get "dry". But maybe that's just me. Anyway, there are a whole bunch of suggested workouts designed for each of these areas, and a chart which says "if you plan to train 300 hours this year, you should be doing 8 hours a week in week n, and it should be x% on this area and y% on that", and then you just slot things in as appropriate.

h2. Random musing