A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

round up#

Tue, 28 Feb 2006 12:00:00 +0000

From two updates in the last two weeks the reader may determine that I'm either (a) having too much fun skating to be writing about it, or (b) not doing enough skating to have thought of anything interesting to write. Unhappily it's more towards the latter end: continual experimentation with my ankles (the "have we got it right this time? Seems good so far ... so far .. so far ... ow!" cycle of optimism and letdown, and the awareness that in a week and a half I'll be off to Sardinia and will either have to have found an accommodation with them that doesn't involve violence, or admit defeat and take rec skates as well) have left me rather unexcited about just going out for the fun of it.

Currently we're up to

(yes, all of them at once). The last two of these have not yet been proven not to work, but so far I've only tried a route check and a Sunday stroll with them, which is not really long enough to expose the problem. Today I have some kind of head/nose cold and shivers, and am disinclined to do anything more to narrow down the problem, or indeed much else that involves moving more than six feet from bed.

[ Total skating since I last blogged: Tuesday route check, Friday LFNS, Saturday route check, Sunday Stroll. 65km? Sounds more in km, of course. ]