A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

Whee'l of life#

Fri, 21 Jul 2006 13:00:00 +0000

I'm not still sulking. It's just that every time I've tried to post something saying so, Blogger has been too incredibly slow to let me.

Normal service resumed on or around Saturday last, with a route check for the Sunday Stroll, after or during which I decided that skting is actually quite fun again, and got up early on Sunday to do (a) sprints (10x500m, 1m30 recovery); (b) another route check for the Stroll; (c) the Sunday Stroll itself. Browsing the photos there should enlighten anyone wondering about the coy references to bicycles in previous entries: first outing for the finished LFNS bicycle sound system (which badly needs a decent name). We have put some incredible amount of time into getting this ready (although, aside from riding it back from Brixton when we collected it - something of an experience when it changed gear on its own every time we went over a bump - and then doing various things to the transmission to stop it doing that again, a lot of my personal involvement there was actually to drink beer and eat pizza), so seeing - and hearing - it out on the street for the first time was one of those disturbingly soppy events.

Since then, Tuesday evening saw a route check and a half for Friday (had to be there, really, as I'm leading on Friday) and then the LondonSkate on Wednesday. Tonight it's back to the bicycle fettling, though.