A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

Waiting for the other Sok to drop#

Fri, 18 Aug 2006 18:54:16 +0000

I'm now, I think, about halfway through porting the whole thing to Soks. Some of this has been swearing at CSS to rip off the Blogspot look and feel (minus the blatantly Web 2.0 rounded corners), some of it has been learning enough Ruby to do effective cargo culting, and some has been finding my way around the Soks code.

On the basis of the very little Ruby I have had to learn thus far, I would expect a Perl programmer to feel very much at home, a frustrated Perl-using Lisp hacker to be impressed by the marginally greater usability of irb over perl -de 1 (and the much smaller amount of boilerplate necessary to create new classes), and the contented Lisp user to pay it not very much attention. And if you're a contented Java programmer, you probably lack the intellectual curiosity to bother learning anything new, so don't bother writing in and asking.

Comment support is missing at present, and unlikely to be added (I get few comments and I always had to hand-approve them anyway due to spammers), but feedback by mail is always welcome. If you don't know my email address, Google IYF. If you don't know my email address and can't use Google, I'll set up and publish a dedicated new one as soon as I've thought through the spam filtering issues.