A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

A Huge Evergrowing Pulsating Lump That Sits On My Medial Malleolus#

Tue, 29 Aug 2006 13:43:33 +0000

Sorry to go on about it so. And actually, I noticed today that it's not ever-growing, though the longer I rest it the more it looks like it - skating actually makes it shrink. So I spread some more ibuprofen gel on it to see if that would make it smaller when it grows back. Anyway, no, no new boots yet - how did you guess?

RC Tuesday was cancelled due to weather, so we did it this evening instead. All the roads were still there (including one that claimed to be closed, but wasn't). Some other roads are also still there (and will feature on a forthcoming Stroll) and some roads are not the roads I thought they were, but will do anyway - I took a right off Eaton Square (I almost always approach that road from the other direction) where the map said I should have gone left, and ended up back at Victoria when I was not expecting to. But that's OK, we'll leave that bit in for tomorrow.

Also tomorrow I'm going to wear my GPS (and Sunday, lend it to someone skating with the pack) just so we can find out how fast the LFNS actually goes. My money is on "about 8mph"