A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa


Tue, 29 Aug 2006 13:08:51 +0000

The SOLSKATE was rained off, so we went ice skating at Queensway instead. Very different (though I can see how it might help): pushing through any part of the blade other than the very back (in the supplied hire skates, anyway) led to instant spinout - I'm really not used to that much rocker.

My abs ache now, which is unusual. I think all that turning left - I spent most of an hour trying to get all the way around the end of the rink with only one crossover (more or less easy depending on how kids are in the way) - probably gave them more exercise than they usually get skating on streets. That or it's my cold. I tell, you, if two colds in the same week are the result of my (subtle and understated) dietary improvements, I'm back to junk food tomorrow.