A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa


Thu, 31 Aug 2006 02:44:06 +0000

The only downside is that initial testing says it's utterly utterly useless. On a random sample of four spam emails (three of which spambayes said were spam and the other it said was 80% likely to be spam) spamassassin utterly failed to assign any of them a score exceeding 4.2

And for this level of service it wants to eat 18 of the 80MB RAM in this virtual machine? Get real. I need that space for, uh, the Ruby instance running this blog.

It may be, of course, that there is a configuration option for "actually do something useful" which I have not yet found, and which is turned off in the default configuration to satisfy the needs of those users who just install this crap because they like the intellectual challenge. It wouldn't surprise me.

Debian, less of an operating system, more of a self-assembly operating system construction kit.