A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa


Wed, 27 Sep 2006 13:55:53 +0000

Richmond Park this morning: very-nearly-three [*] laps of the outer loop, for a total distance of about 30km. Ankles fine until I stopped skating, but suddenly after sitting down for a few minutes in the cafe afterwards they decided to make their presence felt - in fact, I skipped out on the Stroll route check I was going to do this afternoon (not that it matters, I'm riding the bike tomorrow anyway and don't really need to know where I'm going) and went home instead. So, rats.

And then when I got home I wanted nothing so much as a few hours sleep. I've been running a sleep deficit of an hour or so a night for most of this week, I guess that and the exercise and the early start - especially the early start: getting up before 9am on a Saturday is just wrong - just caught up with me.

fn1. Everyone else did three full laps starting from the Roehampton car park; I skated up (and I mean up) from the tube station and joined them partway around at Richmond Gate. The horizontal distance I skated was marginally shorter, but I could claim that the extra vertical made up for it.