A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

Glut'on for punishment#

Fri, 29 Sep 2006 16:27:36 +0000

Note to self: use the glutes.

That bears a little explanation. Problem identified by Sebby the other week was that I wasn't carving much on my right foot, and indeed when I pay attention to it I can feel that leg just "running away" as I straighten it - I'm not getting the same feeling of power as I do on the left leg. (Yes, I know, "feeling of power", hopelessly unscientific. Shut it.) On a left side push it does actually feel as though I am briefly "hanging" in midair for the first few instants of the push, whereas on the right it's all over far too quickly.

So, back I go to the stepping-from-side-to-side drills to see if I can capture the same feeling on the right side and identify what's different between the two, and the difference seems to be that the glutes are active on the left and not on the right: getting my bum further back seems to have the desired effect.

In other news, lately I have taken to brushing my teeth (those I still have, anyway) while in skating position and standing on a wobble board. I'll crack this balance thing someday.