A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

I think I am back#

Mon, 04 Sep 2006 12:40:39 +0000

Most of the sponginess had gone from my knee on Saturday morning, and a short slow careful skate (a.k.a the Sunday Stroll RC) on Saturday afternoon with a knee brace seemed to have had no bad effect. By Sunday morning, no puffiness at all, and another two short slow and only moderately careful skates (second route check, and the Stroll itself) seemed to produce no complaint whatsoever. Yay me, I can get back to it again.

Which, with only two weeks left to train before Berlin, is something of a relief.

[ Edit: I subsequently also remembered that I put my boots on at 11:30am, and did not remove them until about 7pm, so I think I can reasonably claim they're comfortable ]