A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

Drills and skills#

Wed, 06 Sep 2006 01:53:27 +0000

I have a plan for Berlin. Based on the cutoff times we've seen at this stage, block B is going to be massive and contain skaters of all levels from elite skaters who couldn't get a team together to compete in the A block, to "speedness" skaters wearing kneepads and big wheeled rec boots (Fila M100s, K2 Radical 100s, that kind of thing). So, my prediction of how the race will go in block B is roughly as follows:

  1. there will be a mass of fifty or a hundred skaters who take off at approximately the same (not killer) pace.
  2. after the first 3-4 km, they will form into two parallel lines. These will be continually splitting and remerging, as the stronger skaters near the back of the pack jump off their slow line onto the fast one, then whoever's at the front of the overtaking line tries to merge back in behind the front guy on the line being overtaken
  3. those who don't consider they have the skills to be continually jumping between lines will therefore end up at the back
  4. possible outcome (1): somebody will overestimate their skill levels at jumping in and out, and cause a stack which will probably take out a whole slew of people in the back half of the line. If I'm not careful it could even be my fault
  5. possible outcome (2): everyone stays on their feet but the pack splits properly on a hill or a corner or something and the people at the back get left behind

My plan, therefore, is to acquire the said skills (and confidence) toute suite, which will enable me to stay out of trouble near the front instead of getting shuffled to the back and having someone else's ineptitude take me out. I could kinda sorta claim it'd just be bad luck if I didn't and they did, but I don't really buy that - there's a strong argument that you make your own luck in these circumstances by being better prepared.

Why am I hungry? I've not even exercised today. Tomorrow morning it's back to the dentist, to see what he recommends to fix my front teeth: one slightly loose and dead, and the other about two-thirds snapped off. Maybe he can rebuild them smaller this time, that would save a lot of trouble.