A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

Friday Night Ride to the Coast: Southend#

Sun, 28 Oct 2007 14:41:03 +0000

I'm not going to do a ride report as such, because others have already written better ones than I could given that I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention to where we were going anyway

On the order of 50-55 miles, leaving Hyde Park Corner at midnight and arriving in the early morning. Pace was comfortable, with fairly frequent stops for people to catch up. New bar tape meant my ulnar nerves were not complaining, and I spent a lot more time on the tops than the drops - though riding on the hoods still makes me feel like I'm falling forwards, which is a problem on group rides when I want to cover the brakes. New bars (going on new bike) don't extend as far forwards, which may make a difference to that. Shoulders a bit sore (at the time; the effect didn't persist), which suggests either that the seat wants to be further back or that they're just woefully underpowered.

The good news is that my arse was absolutely fine, suggesting that it just needed toughening up a bit and I don't need to go shopping for a new saddle.