A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

Proud to have been a part of it#

Wed, 11 Apr 2007 01:55:49 +0000

I've written so much about the Easterskate elsewhere (bunnyblog , Week on Wheels and its own website that I probably didn't mention it here much on coruskate. Or mention much else on coruskate while in the throes of event preparation, for that matter. But it's done and dusted and all over with nothing remaining to do but sort out the cash, thank the sponsors, send out the press releases, edit the video, update the web site with post-event news, and write it up for the Week on Wheels. Not a lot, really.

In the meantime, there are approximately a zillion photos on flickr tagged easterskate07. Tomorrow I'll hack some kind of xscreensaver thing together to display them randomly whenever my screen is locked and annoy my coworkers