A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

SWF race at Tatem#

Thu, 10 May 2007 20:00:00 +0000

This entry written some time after the event based on hazy recollections and stuff written on the LSST forum ...

It was not especially successful. Not until I arrived at the train station did I find out the service to Silver Street wasn't running that day, so leapt on my bike and got a really good warmup getting to the track. Then stacked on the first race (500m) for no reason that I can determine (bad body position on the turn crossing over - I think - weight too far forward turned into weight distributed horizontally along the tarmac). Spent most of the 1000m tailing the back of the pack: tried to attack about halfway around, but didn't have the speed to overtake around the outside of the bend and ended up slotting back in more or less where I'd started. In the 3000m started at the back again, got bored of that after a while and started to mess about a bit, but was still feeling weak and I knew when I went off on lap n-3 I was not going to be able to hold a lead for 750m. Which may be a realistic assessment or self-fulfilling prophecy, cos it turned out that indeed I couldn't.

Tagging this one as "skate" not "bike" so I won't go into detail about my trip home. Note, though: if you head down the A10 from Great Cambridge Junction, after about 1.5km you get to a junction where you take the left-hand lane to go left, and the right-hand lane to go right. There is a big sign to help you with this decision: it shows a left-turn symbol in the left lane and a right-turn symbol in the right lane. It doesn't, however, tell you where you might end up should you take one path or the other, and I feel this is something of a failing because if you guess wrong and turn right you may never see another sign saying "A10" ever again.