A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

Never trust 1.1 of anything#

Tue, 03 Jul 2007 20:04:25 +0000

 * (in-package :araneida) 
 * (parse-protocol-version "HTTP/1.1")
 * (>= * 1.1)
The bug has been there for years - probably since before Araneida was named - but it's only when today I was debugging persistent connections that I actually noticed it. "Why's it closing the connection every time? Ah..."

Should anyone be curious about the (lack of) development of Araneida, this is the official status as far as I am concerned

301 Permanently redirected
Location: try Hunchentoot instead

Araneida is dead for almost all practical purposes.

Once the remaining bugs in those features are found and ruthlessly exterminated, the next thing I want to investigate is all the new bells and whistles in apache 2.2's modproxy, because with persistent connections I can see no reason it shouldn't be very nearly as fast as one of the special-purpose connectors (modlisp, mod_jk, etc) and it appears to do all kinds of neato load-balancing and failover and stuff as well.

There will be no release in the imminently foreseeable future, because that would give out entirely the wrong messages about stability and publishedness of interfaces. There's a darcs repo at http://src.telent.net/araneida and it's updated as often as I remember to type rsync (probably about once for each time I blog on the subject)