A blog about skating and cycling, or vice versa

1 Minute Greasemonkey Guide#

Thu, 17 Jul 2008 15:13:31 +0000

I am a late but fervent convert to Greasemonkey, based on an hour playing with it last night.

  1. install firebug and learn how to use it. This takes longer than a minute, but we assume you've done it already
  2. write a javascript file with some funny comments at the top, and call it something.user.js
  3. In Firefox 3, browse to the file and a popup will, er, pop up allowing you to install the script. In FF2, according to instructions I read there is an extra step here (you need to go to Tools -> Greasemonkey and do something that will probably be fairly obvious)
  4. Installation will copy the script into your firefox profile directory somewhere (look in the gm_scripts subdir). You can edit the file in place thereafter instead of continually reinstalling
  5. to print stuff to the firebug console, use unsafeWindow.console.log(stuff) - but be careful, the "unsafe" in the name is not just for show

A few words about the content of the script seem appropriate: it is executed when web pages are loaded (the special comments contain include and exclude directives for you to specify exactly which pages) and references to document do roughly what you'd expect - so, you can rewrite bits of the DOM tree of other people's websites in nasty brutal "if it breaks you can keep both pieces" hacky ways

Habitable Firefox. Yay

// This is a Greasemonkey user script.
// To install, you need Greasemonkey: http://greasemonkey.mozdev.org/
// Then restart Firefox and revisit this script.
// ==UserScript==
// name          phpbb killfile
// namespace     http://www.telent.net/
// description   brutal script to hide phpbb posts
// include       http://www.example.com/forum/*
// ==/UserScript==

var posts=document.evaluate("//span[@class='name']",document,null, XPathResult.UNORDEREDNODESNAPSHOT_TYPE,null); for(var i=0;i<posts.snapshotLength;i++) { var p=posts.snapshotItem(i); var name=p.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.nodeValue; var tr=p.parentNode.parentNode;

if(name=='Moron') { while(tr.firstChild) tr.removeChild(tr.firstChild); var span=document.createElement("span"); span.className="postbody"; var replace=document.createElement("td"); replace.setAttribute("COLSPAN","2"); replace.setAttribute("ALIGN","CENTER"); span.appendChild(document.createTextNode("post hidden")); replace.appendChild(span); tr.appendChild(replace); } }

Probably I should confine the Include directive to viewtopic.php. Yes, I know a robust solution would include some kind of configuration options to change the list of ignored users, cope with multiple forums etc etc, but that's not the point. Quick and dirty.